on Wednesday, March 31, 2010
at 9:38 PM
except for the e-badge, everything else will be found there. Cheers !
OUR NEW WEBSITE !!! and Pre Briefing info
on Monday, March 29, 2010
at 12:46 PM
From now on everything EPIC will be on this website.
Pre-Briefing details
To all who wants to help out during our launch on the 3rd and 4th, pre-briefing will be held on the
1st of April , Thurday at 8.30pm.
Don't worry as there will not be any pranks. Please keep that time slot free as it is absolutely important that you attend this unless you have a critical emergency.
It will most likely be in KL city. Stay tune today for more info. We just need to confirm the location 100% before we publish it.
Pls check new website for latest update (address link above in COLOUR)
Our Adventure So Far: That Registration Forms Issue, part 1
A lot has happened since the day we decided to share this adventure of registering 2 million voters. Never have we imagined that things would actually turn out this way. It would seem that by the laws of attraction that EPIC goals are met by EPIC experiences, one of which is our visit to the Election Commision (SPR) office in Putrajaya to see Datuk Wan Ahmad, the Deputy Chairman of the SuruhanJaya Pilihan Raya (SPR). Ironically, he was the person we quoted in our first ‘Voice your Choice’ shout out which made this visit all the more significant.
The reason why we had to meet up with him was actually a very crucial one. By now, you guys should know that this entire adventure is pretty much focused on registering voters. However, in order for that to happen there is one important thing that we really need, FORMS ! Of course it is only logical that registration forms for voters will not be handed out casually and given to any Tom, Dick or Harry because there is huge accountability and responsibility attached to it. Unfortunately, we have not been given such authority yet, therefore we absolutely need to partner up with the SPR to make this dream happen. As previously mentioned, there are actually 2 ways to obtain these forms, the first, which is from SPR directly, and the other through Assistant Registrars (who must be political party affiliated).
To be completely honest the meeting was arranged at rather short notice so we did not really know what to expect nor was there enough time to fully realise that we were actually meeting someone really important. This lack of preparedness I would say made the experience even more exciting and enlightening. Exciting because not every day do you get to travel to Putrajaya to meet a VVIP.
It was enlightening because our entire preconceptions were proven wrong as Datuk Wan, despite his huge office and esteemed stature seemed so down-to-earth and genuinely passionate and helpful about registering new voters, especially amongst the youth. Somehow, the impression we got from most people was that the SPR were politically influenced, inefficient, and not helpful. It is a sad preconception because it seemed hardly the case, as portrayed by the second in command of the Election Commission. We must say offer a big thank you to him for his warm hospitality, waffles and words of wisdom.
We later sent an official letter to request for the Selangor state SPR’s help in our events as advised by Datuk Wan. Amazingly, the Selangor state SPR offices replied immediately and agree to send 2 mobile teams to assist us. This is done even though there is the Hulu Selangor by-election to prepare for. This goes to show that not all that was spoken about our SPRs are absolute truth. We encourage you to engage with your local government to verify the truth of all that is being said about them. As we have experienced thus far, our Selangor state SPR was definitely making an effort to meet our request. And it is our hope that this will be true of all the state SPRs when we go nationwide in May (watch this space, we will report on our adventures).
I am very glad to announce that we should have sufficient forms for at least for two locations! I would also like to stress that everyone comes out and brings their friends along so we can tell the SPR and Datuk Wan that we are worth their time. Hopefully this would make them send more teams and bring more forms too.
To be continued…..

on Sunday, March 28, 2010
at 7:43 AM
Important Updates
on Friday, March 19, 2010
at 11:02 PM
We have confirmed 3 locations for our Klang Valley Launch that will be held on the 3rd and 4th of April.
1. E-Curve Mall (formerly known as Cinelesiure Damansara)
2. Subang Parade
3. Amcorp Mall
For all who wants to help out with promotion, setting up and registering voters, pls email us at
Pls send your details as listed
Name: Age: Tel#: Email: Profession:
Pls do state which location you would prefer so that we could organize you.
Thanks ! We look forward to hearing from you.
************************ What 'Voice your Choice' is all about
First things first, to clear all doubts and suspicion: neither EPIC for UNITY nor Voice your Choice are tools of any political party. We are strictly non-partisan and not affiliated with any political parties. We have found out that many people cannot comprehend this but YES, we are SINCERELY doing this because we realize as youths we need to take up our responsibility to make our nation something we can all be proud of. Nation development is rather tricky and even though we youths are anxious to make a difference, we dare not say we can do it without the wiser more experienced generation. Therefore, all who have asked if there is an age limit or if you are TOO OLD? The answer is NO there is no age limit to dreams. Voice your Choice is created by youths for ALL Malaysians This is what it is all about…
This is not about PR or BN or any political parties
This is not about overthrowing the government
This is where corporate and political rivals can work together to meet a common need
This is where our faiths unite regardless of religion
This is about uniting all Malaysians for Malaysia
This is where we obtain the peace that comes from within and are not driven by our environment or circumstance. Peace is with those who can wake up every morning knowing they have done everything to the best of their abilities in making this country a better place.
This is about conquering ourselves, finding our voice and believing that it counts. Only then can we know that this government, nation and world will be cured of the diseases that plague them.
This is about using a new yardstick to measure another fellow human, not by his race, status, and profession or academic achievement, but by the same belief that we want a better future and Equality for all. The goal that we have set can only be met when we successfully organize ourselves as one people. When we hit the 2 million mark, only then will we know that we have conquered our past and successfully become one Rakyat. We learn from our past but are never haunted by it. We are dedicated and committed to using our present to shape our future. Join us! P/S Thank you Farida for correcting our manglish =)

on Thursday, March 11, 2010
at 10:36 PM
Attached to our side bar on the right, is the budget for the APRIL LAUNCH ! It isn't the entire thing, but that's a start.
We strongly believe that this campaign is for the people and should be funded by the people. Feel free to put in any amount. Just make sure you inform us. That's all for now.... stay tune for updates VERY SOON !
The locations listed in the budget are not confirmed yet.
on Sunday, March 7, 2010
at 9:59 AM
So things have just got interesting.
We have found new partners and we have a new target of 2 million. Yeap, it just reached a new level of EPIC-ness if there is such a thing.
Let me start from the beginning. The EPIC target of 1 million is already a step of faith and would not be achieved without collaboration, therefore it was natural when we put out our call for unity, we got immediate responses. One of them was from Saya Anak Bangsa Malaysia (SABM), an organisation which we found out are planning to undertake this crazy task to. One thing led to another and soon we found ourselves at their headquarters joining them for the screening of an amazing documentary called " 10 Tahun Sebelum Merdeka" (10 years before independance). It was informational and extremely inspiring and we highly recommend it for everyone and anyone.
After the screening, we were invited to give our opinions of the film and somehow it found its way into one of the GEL team member's hands. Of course we were there to speak about the potential collaboration between our efforts. So basically, using that opportunity, our member informed the people about our rather insane mission of registering 1 million people and a little bit more.
Quickly we found that our flaming passion and undying excitement was more contagious than we thought, we will be collaborating with SABM and they came with a condition. They said that they will be with us fully if we raised our target to 2 million. Well, guess what? we said YES!
So now, we definitely need all the help we can. It seems like our swim in the deep blue sea just got sharks thrown into the picture. We definitely need help, and I hope that you will help spread this call for help. Not to help us, but to help your neighbours, your nation. This is OUR JOINT GOAL ! to make history.
I only hope that you future collaborators will not come with such conditions, I don't think our hearts can take that just yet. 2 million is enough for now.
We are extremely excited and cannot wait to see us join hands as one.

on Tuesday, March 2, 2010
at 7:08 AM
So, If any of you are brave enough, Please drop us an e-mail and we'll gladly get back to you within 24 hours.
I will hook you up with some BAD ASS EPIC work. Trust me it's not as bad as it seems, remember many hands make work light.
*************** UPDATE!!
NEED SOMEONE WITH SUPERB PR SKILLS ! make me smile on our first telephone call and you're hired !!
If you're interested, please e-mail us at dosomethingepic@gmail.com.
EPIC for UNITY, April 3rd & 4th 2010
on Wednesday, February 24, 2010
at 12:30 AM
According to the Election Commission (EC) Deputy Chairman, Wan Ahmad Wan Omar in a report dated in January 2010, 4.39 million or some 28% of Malaysians over the age of 21 have yet to register as a voter. These are alarming statistics which we believe we have to do something about. To put things into perspective, the state of Selangor itself has an estimated 787,000 unregistered voters.
The decisions we make today shape our tomorrow, individually as a community, and ultimately as a nation. That is why we are beginning another EPIC movement we call EPIC for Unity.
This is where we want the people to start having faith & hope in this nation that we call HOME and love dearly. It is understandable that it has indeed been challenging to develop such positive feelings toward a nation that displays such a blatant disregard for ethics and the rapid decay of moral values in our community. We understand that we are disillusioned and feelings of helplessness have inhabited our minds and wills, causing us to stop striving for what we youths want.
We want to believe that the power of ‘one’ is not simply overrated, just rarely challenged We want Positive Action not Negative Reactions We want to integrate not tolerate We want to stop complaining, and start acting We want our friends to stop migrating overseas and our parents to stop telling us to do so We want to be colour blind to our neighbours We want to stand up to be responsible for our collective future and believe that others want to as well
We want all this but what are you willing to do to get it?
We want to voice our choice the best and most civil way we know how in practicing our democratic right...
However before that happens, you first have to register as a voter... Have you? If you have, GOOD ON YA! If not, don’t feel bad, because the time is now. We are on an EPIC Mission to gather 1,000,000 voters by the end of the year to mark the end of the first decade of this millennium.Yes, we said it! ONE MILLION! We believe that we will definitely hit and even exceed this number if you join us on this EPIC adventure to truly impact our community in an extraordinary way.
We will be launching our year-long campaign which we believe belongs to all of us on the 3rd and 4th of April. The launch will start of by setting up booths in high traffic malls which will be confirmed ASAP.
We will need at least 150 hands in promoting, registering, setting up booths and pasting up posters.
We are targeting 20,000 people for the 2 day launch.
* in case you're wondering we have NO political affiliations whatsoever* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
WE NEED EACH OF YOU TO SUPPORT THIS, If you are interested please email us your details and join the event on facebook.
Name: Age: Tel#: Email: Profession:
If you cannot support this physically yet would like to be a part of this movement, you can contribute monetarily to:
Bank: CIMB Branch: Subang Jaya Account Number: 1261-0002228-05-3 Account Holder: GROWING EMERGING LEADERS CENTRE Reg Number: SA0143174-D
We would greatly appreciate it if you pass the word around. For further inquiries do email us at: dosomethingepic@gmail.com

Dropping that Tiny Pebble into the Pond
on Thursday, February 11, 2010
at 7:04 AM
 picture taken by Ruey Shyang
Being from the "instant generation" we operate at light speed. With the aid of technology, we are constantly connected; information, knowledge and messages are transfered in a blink of an eye. We demand efficiency because we expect nothing less, we want results, and we want it fast. We are energetic and restless to make a change or see changes. Unfortunately, we have became impatient and somehow lost the entire point itself. We became caught up in the experience, in the EVENT but somehow lost track of the processes and lost the thirst for adventure.
So often do we hear, see and read of stories of history's greats and the feats they have accomplished. They obviously went out to achieve great deeds that we want to emulate. We get excited and we aspire to be like our heroes or at least achieve something of similar proportions. We dare to be great. However, we miss the baby steps they took which started their race into our history books.
I am a firm believer in the power to change the world around us. We have that within us. However, change or rather TRUE change takes time and processes, very often long ones. More often than not, the progress may seem so minute to the eye that we question the time and effort spent. "Is it worth it or not?” we ask ourselves. We doubt ourselves and we underestimate the impact of the little pebble you dropped into the pond. What you might have forgotten is that the ripples only gets bigger from there and if you believe that it can, you can throw it with all your might and the ripples might just reach the ends of the pond. You just got to believe it. Have a little faith will you?
Someone recently told me that you will never be wrong if you do what you think is the right thing. I couldn't agree more, if you think it is right to help somebody out of whatever state they're in, do it and have no regrets. What we recently did may seem rather superficial and not that much. An exterior paint job and 1 toilet and 1 shower place? What help did we really do? That answer is purely subjective.
However, the fact of the matter is the pebble has been dropped and the ripples are continuing to grow bigger. I'd dare not underestimate the size of the pebble, I hope you don't too because this is only the beginning.

This is the ROUND UP!
on Wednesday, January 27, 2010
at 10:03 PM
We are en-route to our next BIG project. Before anything we acknowledge that the people, you guys are the most important assets to make any of our projects. Without the proper people to collaborate with us, we know we would never be qable to achieve success.
So here are the people we need for the upcoming projects this year. Anyone with experience in teaching english and maths (or thinks he/she can and would like to teach) and anyone in the medical field (that includes you students). Send over your details to us so we will be able to start a database that would assist us when the time calls for your service. Here is what we will be needing:
Age :
Gender :
Tel # :
Occupation: :
Area of Expertise:
(please state if you're a medical student):
send your details over to dosomethingepic@gmail.com
Project EPIC by Fazil Fuad, 'House 4'
on Monday, January 25, 2010
at 10:32 PM
Our story, coloured
on Sunday, January 24, 2010
at 9:35 PM
Reflections on Project EPIC 1
I got up at 6.45am this morning to the sound of my racing pulse, frantic and worried that we had more houses to paint and that somehow I had overslept. It was a wonderful realisation and relief that we the EPIC-ians had already successfully painted 10 houses yesterday and built a fully functional toilet. It is crazy indeed how our first project came and went like the wind, even though time was short, everything somehow fit together perfectly like EPIC was a tetris game being played by a professional. It was barely 1 and half months ago when GEL decided to take on this EPIC challenge and sceptically send out an invitation through facebook. It was only about 14 days ago when we received our first donation adding to our bank balance of zero. It was only 5 days ago when we hit our hopeful target of 50 and exceeded it by 10 a day before we headed to Kampung Jawa Kerling. It doesn't end there. It was only the beginning as during the project, even though dark clouds loomed over us and thunders roared, we were greeted only with shy drizzles of water. It definitely helped that we were surrounded by fellow painters who were high in spirit and painted as though it wasn't going to rain. After two days of sweating, getting painted on and connecting my heart and mind with 60 other people, it is a joy and relief that there is indeed extraordinary people out there who dare make a difference and make the future a whole lot brighter for our nation. Right now there might be less than 100, but this little trip of ours has fueled my spirit and body to keep this going so that more can come to this same realisation as I have. Project EPIC will only get bigger, and so will our numbers. To all those who braved Kampung Jawa Kerling with us strangers, Thank you for proving this skeptic wrong. The GEL Team 23/1/2010 p/s we await your pictures.

The GEL (Growing Emerging Leaders) team is mainly comprised of young adults aged between 18 - 26.
GEL began its life in August 2006. It is a group of youth, gathering every Monday to study how to apply leadership and value based principles in their lives. GEL was started to address the needs of our youth when they integrate with the workforce. One of the principles we expound in our lessons is to be externally focused - i.e. to always give back to society / community.
Resulting from that, the EPIC Project was born. EPIC (Extraordinary People Impacting Community) is a project that is predominantly focused on the plight of our Orang Asli and how we can assist to raise their standard of living in the long term. Whilst this toilet-building project is the first, it is our hope that with the awareness generated by this project, we will be able to garner support for the next project which will be to help the Orang Asli children integrate into government schools.
join us on facebook!


Link us up on your website or blog! Copy the HTML code below:
Our Causes:

Project of The Day:

Project Budget:

If you'd like to contribute monetarily, we have set up a bank account with the following details:
Bank: CIMB
Branch: Subang Jaya
Account No: 1261-0002228-05-3
Our EPIC Mission
"To inspire, mobilize and empower willing individuals
to make epic changes in their owncommunity."
Our EPIC Values
Embracing people without discrimination
Pride without arrogance
Integrity in all that we do, say and think
Committed compassion to all
GEL supports transparency!
View Growing Emergeing Leaders Centre's income and expenditure statements here (click on image)
Project EPIC 1 - Expenditure Statement |
GELC - Cash Flow Statement |
Note: Funds received specifically for one event that remain after the event has passed will be recycled into the budgets for subsequent events.